A Bit About Myself.

I'm a dedicated and passionate computer science student with a passion for developing software that impacts the life of others. I'm someone who is always looking to learn new things and improve my skills. I also enjoy working with others and collaborating on projects. I'm always looking for new opportunities to grow and develop my skills.

Experience & Skills.










Google Cloud


Data Structures & Algorithms

I've had the chance to apply and develop my skills in the following roles:

My Education.

Computer Science and Engineering

University of Puertor Rico, Mayaguez

August 2021-2026(exp.)

  • GPA: 3.78
  • Honor Student.
  • Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Introduction to Software Engineering, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Advanced Programming, Calculus 1,2 and 3.
  • Google Tech Exchange Alumni
My Projects.
maze_generator Image

Briq (E-commerce for construction materials in Puerto Rico).

This is a product I'm currently designing and developing with Stackz. This platform will allow construction material providers in PR to have a centralized portal to post their products. This will allow contractors to easily view and purchase the products that providers have available. The platform is a web app implemented in Next.js, Postgresql and uses Vercel for data storage and hosting services.
Maze Generator and Solver
A web app implemented using the web framework astro. The web app generates a random maze using a DFS algorithm. The user can select the dimensions of the maze and then he can click a button to find the shortest path from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner. The path is found by using the BFS algorithm. This project helped me learn more about dfs, bfs and graphs in general. It also helped me in learning a new way to display graphics to the user using HTML components.
maze_generator Image
Contact Me.
View My Projects.
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© 2021 Juan Quintana. All rights reserved.